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Public collection Svoge

The public collection (museum collection) in the town of Svoge was established in 1988 on the initiative of the Communist Party Committee in the town. From 1989 to 1991, Svetla Hristova was in charge of the collection. According to her, the museum collection in this period was owned by the Municipality, not by the community center. A lot of ethnographic material has been collected. An exhibition was formed, including video presentations.

Later, Anatoliy Yordanov was responsible for the collection (until 1998). By him was made an inventory record of the numismatic material in the collection. He also held consultations with specialists from the Archaeological Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia. Rare specimens of coins such as tetradrachms of Alexander the Great had been found. At the same time in connection with the consultations, the area was visited by prehistoric specialists (Ivan Gatsov, Vasil Nikolov), who conducted researches in the caves (in particular the Dark Hole), located in the municipality of Svoge.

At the end of the 1990s, the collection is disbanded. Some of the showcases and exhibits have been moved to the Community center "Gradishte 1907", and most of the items are scattered in different rooms of the building. The inventories created by those responsible for the collection are only partially preserved. Part of the documentation (incomplete inventory containing 74 numbers) was handed over for storage to the Secretary of the Community center. The position of "curator of the collection" has been canceled.

In 2018, the movable cultural values held in the collection were described and documented by a team consisting of Krassimira Todorova (Master of Archeology), Viktor Iliev (Bachelor of Archeology), and Rusko Rusev (consultant).

All items in the collection, including those in the exhibition and stored in various rooms in the community center, were subjected to a new inventory. On the artifacts were placed markers (in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance № Н-6 / 11.12.2009, Art. 15, Art. 16, Art. 17 and Art. 18), which correspond to the respective documentation, description, and identification.

In accordance with the requirements for documenting movable cultural values of historical significance, all objects of archaeological value were documented graphically. A total of 69 items were processed. Graphic images are digitized.

In the process of work, a total of 189 artifacts were photo-documented, of which 64 in the section Archeology, 94 - section Ethnography, 6 - section Numismatics. All photos were digitally processed and represent the real view of the objects in a 1: 1 scale.

In accordance with the requirements of Ordinance № Н-6 / 11.12.2009, Art. 26 were made Scientific passports of the artifacts. The Scientific passports contain complete information for every single item in the collection and are prepared in digital and paper versions.

Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge
Public collection Svoge


By a Decision of the Board of Trustees of the Community center in Svoge was provided an appropriate place for storage of movable cultural values. The room is protected from moisture, heated during the winter season, and equipped with shelves and furniture suitable for work with cultural artifacts.


The exposition is located on the first floor of the community center. The room provides display cases and constant video surveillance. The exposition is divided into several parts as follows:

  1. Archeology (showcases 1-2) - Tools and household items; Weapons, military equipment, coins.
  2. Revival period and New History (showcase 3) - Weapons.
  3. Ethnographic section (showcases 4-10) - Metal household items; Wooden household items; Ceramic vessels; Jewelry, Textiles; Traditional costumes.
  4. Ethnographic corner - handloom and household items.

In 2018, were renovated showcases 1-3, as it was found that they lack identification of the exhibits and clarity of their display in chronological and thematic order. New exhibits belonging to the same group were added to these exhibits. Other exhibits that did not possess the qualities of archeological objects were written off from the exposition and returned to the storage.

In accordance with the requirements of Ordinance № Н-4 / 08.10.2013, Art. 8, 3 for the renovated showcases № 1-3 has been prepared a thematic exposition plan, which contains detailed data for the artifacts displayed in the showcases.

Updated annotations to the exhibits and Inventory of the exposition were made.

The documentation related to the exposition in the Community center was completely updated through a detailed Inventory of all items with the respective inventory numbers, corresponding to the newly prepared scientific passports and their place in the depository.


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Copyright © SVOGE Heritage Program
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